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Coldor in #QuizRally Frage 2

8:16 pm, October 19, 2014 Questions are posted also on Facebook and Twitter. Each day a different Platform and different times. First question was on Facebook yesterday. But they are only visible for people who are using Faceb [..] View

Bloodsport job doable solo?

8:16 pm, October 19, 2014 Is there even a way to complete this job solo without getting the citizen ******? This is the only job I have not completed in Andreev Station. The assassins and snipers either **** me or the citizen. [..] View

What do you do with your maxed frames?

8:16 pm, October 19, 2014 I'm starting to run out of frames to max to 40 and since I find that I quickly lose interest in a frame once I've got to 40 and get (reasonably) good gear I wanted to ask people... wha [..] View

Left Firefall a while back, just wondering how things have been!

8:16 am, October 19, 2014 Probably going on two months now since I played. As predicted, it failed to hold my attention without pvp. I still get emails from Red5 asking me to come back and spend some money. Is the game headed [..] View

FadedPez in [engineer] There is a difference with that word...

8:16 pm, October 18, 2014 pcaz_pdc said: ↑ this is still a good suggestion; when do we get new voiceover for expired turrets? Unfortunately if something is a good suggestion, it do [..] View

JBWill in Firefall Live Recap: October 17th, 2014

8:16 am, October 18, 2014 This week on Firefall Live, Sara was unable to join us but luckily the lovely Mikachu was ready to fill in! Brandon filled us in on the week's news, Frank showed off some work in progress screenshots [..] View

FadedPez in Army UI Teaser from today's Firefall Live

8:16 am, October 18, 2014 Here's some more to share. If you are the Commander of an army or have the appropriate permissions, if you go to edit your army (second image in Vari's post), and click the gear there, you can manag [..] View

BranFlakes in [October 13] Kanaloa Queue [NOW RE-ENABLED!]

8:16 am, October 18, 2014 Lumbas said: ↑ Any news on a rollback? Apparently there was no problem rolling back the BP Vouchers, so I'm not sure how the Kana free-farm festival this week [..] View

Mavoc in Field Reports?

8:16 am, October 18, 2014 From v1.1.1824 patch notes SkaDude said: ↑ General We have added a new player reward system which is based on duration of gameplay sessions. Each day play [..] View

Buying tradeable items with Red Beans

8:16 am, October 18, 2014 My husband and I both play, so we're thinking of getting the Digital Deluxe package. However, we were wondering if he could use the Red Beans to buy items from the Red Bean store that he could [..] View


8:16 pm, October 17, 2014 Noch nicht nein. Kann aber noch kommen View

kana homing rocks help?

8:16 pm, October 17, 2014 So after doing kana several times, I'm curious as to what other methods people have for dealing with the homing rocks. Here are some of the methods I have heard of or tried. What are some othe [..] View

SkaDude in is there updates to models

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Duckface Killah said: ↑ I know this has been asked before(even by me) but any chance this'll become optional in the near future? The information posted by [..] View

BranFlakes in New Firefall Events Page

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Tiger2013 said: ↑ Top Job BranFlakes All the credit goes to JBWill and PhoRealz on this one! Cheers, Brandon View

SkaDude in PTS 10/16 Update and Current Focus

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Daed said: ↑ hmm..sounds exactly like the last pts focus with the last patch. what's different? A big point for us right now is to improve and expand upon [..] View

Nizuul in PTS 10/16 Update and Current Focus

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Bronto King got a buff Dem Poachers. View

Regerem in Build Mammoth Tank Heal ( Vendetta )

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Merci pour avoir partag ces informations ! J'espre qu'elles aideront les joueurs de Mammoth View

Boring to get new frames?

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 So am I the only one who thinks getting new frames is kinda dull? Its cool and all that you aren't technically locked into one frame for the entire game, but I get bored basically backtracking [..] View

Potential Dragonfly build? Suggestions greatly appreciated!

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 This is what I'm currently looking at using, primarily because I hear good things about Sinbla [..] View

Dedicated Warfront Recluse Perk Build Help

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 Heyo pilots! I've been having an absolute blast running warfront runs after getting all my frames to 40 and I've been especially enjoying utilizing the aoe prowess of the recluse frame [..] View

Where are all the people at?

8:16 am, October 17, 2014 I just started playing the game like a day or two and at first glance it seems really cool. I love how the basic combat works. The environment looks absolutely amazing. The jetpack mechanic is so much [..] View

JBWill in Shazbot! And other voice emotes.

8:16 pm, October 16, 2014 Shaazbot said: ↑ Holy smokes I had no idea this game had a designer from Dynamix!!! Yup! Scott Youngblood (aka Cornboy, our lead PvP designer) was the lead [..] View

SkaDude in Player attitudes.

8:16 pm, October 16, 2014 RyuPhalian said: ↑ Snipers stuff... Sorry - snipping the quote to save space. As I'm the person who is responsible for patch notes at this point in time I c [..] View

SkaDude in Shazbot! And other voice emotes.

8:16 pm, October 16, 2014 +1 for Shazbot. Also - I remember one of my first experiences seeing this kind of functionality was on Tribes, my brother was playing while I was watching and he managed to sneak around the back of [..] View

Chryis in QoL (Quality of Life) Changes

8:16 pm, October 16, 2014 Bask said: ↑ There should be an alert every 20 minutes. A POI starts flashing, and if your team holds that base at the end of the time limit, you receive hel [..] View

SkaDude in New Firefall Events Page

8:16 am, October 16, 2014 JBWill said: ↑ It's not necessarily a "secret," but we haven't announced exactly when it'll happen yet, and I can't really put it on the calen [..] View

SkaDude in Hotfix V 1.1.1829

8:16 am, October 16, 2014 MuffinProof said: ↑ Nope, still sniper rifle, bio rifle, etc... Thanks for the heads up MuffinProof - it looks like some of the items aren't fixed, though [..] View

Chryis in Hotfix V 1.1.1829

8:16 am, October 16, 2014 boundary said: ↑ While you're at it, can you re-enable the vendors? Also when you do that, please add wasteland forceful back into the list of things we can b [..] View

JBWill in New Firefall Events Page

8:16 am, October 16, 2014 Wreckum said: ↑ I see it now that you mention it. Making the notes/events in each calendar day clickable would be much more user friendly for layman like me [..] View

JBWill in HeineSnow's Fan Art

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 HeineSnow said: ↑ I wonder have you guys receive the completed version that I had send? GhostJaguar said: ↑ I'm [..] View

JBWill in Firefall's Beta Founder Site Being Taken Offline on Thursday, September 18 [Now Offline]

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 FaIcon said: ↑ Does the "These consumables can be given to friends of 3+ days or armymates of 3+ days using the mail system." mean that there [..] View

SkaDude in The homogenization of weapon names is too boring

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 Heya all! Just a quick heads up this is a known issue and was not something that was intentionally changed. We will be making a fix for it and the old names will return. We appreciate all your f [..] View

FadedPez in Can we talk short-term, easily-implemented alternate advancement?

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 BanditLeader said: ↑ Hmm. Any chance you could possibly outsource this type of work to your fanbase on a one-off basis? Maybe call for a "working grou [..] View

JBWill in [Oct 15th] PvP Voucher Vendor Disabled

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 Hello Pilots, Due to a critical issue that has popped up, we have temporarily disabled the PvP Voucher Vendors in Broken Peninsula. We hope to have this issue resolved soon and will re-enable the ve [..] View

Quick question regarding Cobra Bike!

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 Hello guys, So I just started this game and as I was playing the Level 1-2 tuturials in the starting zone there was a mission that I think was called Mushroom Island or something. On my way there it t [..] View

Am I missing the point/plot?

8:16 pm, October 15, 2014 Into the mid-30's. I've missioned, thumped, and played a little at Broken Peninsula. Feeling kinda lost. Downsides: The PvE missions are about as bland as you can get without actually [..] View

BranFlakes in RNG on "Raid" bosses: give guaranteed "loot" or reduce lockout to one day

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 Titan tokens are only temporary disabled and we hope to bring them back once we resolve the issue with them (which is being prioritized around getting vendors up that accept tokens): http://forums.fir [..] View

BranFlakes in New Red Bean Store and Gold Token Items (October 10, 2014)

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 EdgeFF said: ↑ I hope the art team plans to look at the new Astrek Optical Visor as well. It doesn't seem to be accepting warpaint colors. It's always the sam [..] View

BranFlakes in kana reset too early once again?

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 Carnage2K4 said: ↑ If it has issues again, we are coming after you BF Deal! Cheers, Brandon View

JBWill in Mikas upcoming side-quest!

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 xSleepwalker said: ↑ The only one that is standing at the same place is Frank (FadedPez) and we love him for that. I SEE HOW IT IS! View

Chryis in Why purple gears in BP?

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 Souperior said: ↑ Ya you can get that much if you are doing the group voucher farming thing that became a thing with this most recent patch. But it requires y [..] View

GhostJaguar in HeineSnow's Fan Art

8:16 am, October 15, 2014 HeineSnow said: ↑ Hehehe too late, I already randomly pick a title...and submitting on DYEAB....yolo~! Heh. Relatively Soon(TM), you're gonna find the pictu [..] View

R5_Brogrammer in Mikas upcoming side-quest!

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 JBWill said: ↑ Confirm/deny: Frank scared you away from the Community Team. #blamepez2014 This Congrats though, I know you are going to do great things. N [..] View

Mikachu in COMMUNITY EVENT: Spooky Stories (Fri., OCT. 17TH - OCEANIC, GMT, AND PDT/EDT)

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 Requests have been filled to players that contacted me in regards to not receiving their Community event hat! If you still do not see yours unlocked under "New You", please send me you [..] View

Lutz in How to profile lua code

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 From patch 1.1.1824 on it is possible to measure the execution time of the lua code you're developing. We recommend doing this in order to ensure that your code performs well under different circumsta [..] View

Lutz in Hangs and freezes? Addon devs? Please read!

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 Arkii said: ↑ Gonna play with this and see how good crappy my code is. Also maybe you could also post this in the addon section as well where addon devs ca [..] View

Lutz in Task manager for addons, tracks CPU usage or runtime usage of an addon

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 Done: View

Mikachu in New prefixes?

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 CowedOffACliff said: ↑ You missed the question entire Mikachu. If you look at the market ingame there are currently (primary!) weapons visible with odd new pr [..] View

GhostJaguar in Mikas upcoming side-quest!

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 #blamepez2014 Mikachu said: ↑ ...until we can recruit a new pilot to take point on these events. *finger on nose* Not it. View

JBWill in Bonus Reputation Weekend [Fri @ 5pm PDT - Mon @ 5pm PDT]

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 Hello Firefall Pilots! This weekend from Friday, October 17th at 5:00pm PDT until Monday, October 20th at 5:00pm PDT, we will be running an event that gives you a 25% boost to all collected Reputation [..] View

Really enjoy assaults, what frame should I get next?

8:16 pm, October 14, 2014 I have a tigerclaw and Firecat just about perfectly setup, An electron and rhino that are getting close to being well geared (~940 PR), and don't really know what to get next... I picked up Dr [..] View

BranFlakes in Just did my first Hardcore Warfront

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 The button is a lie, sadly (or I should say "was"). There is no hardcore mode of this raid at this time -- we've removed the button to avoid confusion, and apologize for anyone that wa [..] View

BranFlakes in Be on the lookout for falling crystite...

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Also be on the look out for BranFlak3s the Chosen who will be looking to take your jawbones home as a prize Just had a nice fight vying for the Lagosa Rosa watchtower. Cheers, Brandon View

BranFlakes in Can someone please help me :c

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 This should now be resolved without the use of the workaround Thanks for your patience as we worked to do so! Cheers, Brandon View

BranFlakes in login error - proper password

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Lievearn said: ↑ Decided to play firefall again after like a year. Downloaded on steam, started up through the old intro and then get this. I don't wear my gl [..] View

xune_ in 1.1 new inventory error and lag

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Please contact the Rangers at and they'll look into the issue View

BranFlakes in Might come back... but, I can't log in?

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 xRavyn said: ↑ So, uh... yeah. Picture pretty much explains my problem. I just reinstalled the game today. I've tried with and without Steam overlay, steam [..] View

xune_ in Triage Double-Duration Exploit^

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Verified, thanks for bringing this to our attention View

Red5 Spiffy in Are crashed LGVs now too much of a hassle?

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Hey guys, I'm closely watching the new Crashed LGV changes and am going to continue to balance as needed. I would like to get more feedback on it though before I make any changes. So please feel free [..] View

Regerem in Vos captures d'cran !

8:16 am, October 14, 2014 Trs chouette participations ! Merci vous et que personne n'hsite faire partager ses beaux moments View

Coldor in Timer Reset

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Bser Timer. Ich werde ihn in den dunklen Keller schicken, um darber nachzudenken, was er getan hat - Spa beiseite. Ich werde das mal weiterpetzen View

Regerem in Note de mise jour V1.1.1824

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 C'est notre chre talRlouche qu'il faut remercier pour son excellent travail ! View

FadedPez in Hotfix v1.1.1824r1

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Hey all, We've prepared a hotfix that should address game clients crashing upon login. The cause was related to the amount of ornaments/cosmetics displayed on a character. View

Mikachu in Only Aesthetics Are Persistent. I Take Issue With That. >:(

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Hey everyone! I will be closing this thread as it started by the OP two years ago as well as the fact that Firefall is in a different build now. In the future, please refrain from necroing threads. If [..] View

JBWill in Firefall Launch Pack Last Chance Sale! [Ends Monday Oct 27th]

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Hello Pilots! Its your last chance to purchase one of our incredible Firefall launch packs before theyre gone for good on Monday, October 27th, 2014. Get these incredible digital content packs with ex [..] View

FadedPez in v1.1.1824 broke BP again. Cant cap outposts, aimbotters all over... "GJ R5"

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Kuroyukihimeeee said: ↑ OP Posted today. Patch today was a hotfix... Its implied That post was started before the hotfix went live. Edit: I haven't he [..] View

Coldor in Firefall Launch Pack Letzte Chance Aktion!

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Hallo Piloten! Jetzt ist die letzte Chance eins unserer fantastischen Firefall launch packs zu erwerben, bevor sie ab Montag, dem 27. Oktober 2014 nicht mehr erhltlich sein werden. Holt euch die ung [..] View

How the hell do I force this game to not automatically update?

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 Every time I start steam, despite having selected otherwise underneath Properties - Updates - Automatic Updates, this game goes ahead anyway and automatically updates. I haven't played it in w [..] View

Are crashed LGVs now too much of a hassle since 1824 patch?

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 I started leveling a new frame (recluse) on Friday, the day the 1824 patch came out. That patch included a change for crashed LGVs. Crashed LGV updates: The defend timer has been reduced to 90 secon [..] View

Firefall Launch Pack Last Chance Sale! 40% off Digital Deluxe and Digital Starter packs

8:16 pm, October 13, 2014 submitted by Day_Bow_Bow [link] [4 comments] View

Coldor in dunkel cristyt, wohin damit?

8:16 am, October 13, 2014 Das war ein Open World Event ab dem Launch um die Raids und Gebiete in Teufelszahn freizuschalten View

BUG: Unable to login. Blank box appears on Landing screen. (Steam launch)

8:16 am, October 13, 2014 The upper left login box is showing up blank. I had just updated the client on Steam and was anticipating playing after the long awaited download (I'm on WiFi) and have now loaded the game sev [..] View

Current state of loot.

8:16 am, October 13, 2014 Post from FF forum Learn from Diablo 3 they were able to revitalize their game with loot 2.0 when it came out just by giving their players what they wanted, loot. You could easily please your current [..] View

Compilation of tweaks and fixes to optimize Firefall FPS

8:16 am, October 13, 2014 Link to the guide: I compiled a list of tweaks and fixes in the steam guides section to alleviate some woes from players in steam that c [..] View

Man on Fire.

8:16 pm, October 12, 2014

So do people like this game now?

8:16 am, October 12, 2014 I'm not trying to start some sort of hate circlejerk or something but a few months ago when I gave this game a shot, everyone seemed to hate it. There was a lot of drama on this subreddit abou [..] View

A better way to get pilot tokens

8:16 am, October 12, 2014 What if instead of making new players groan when they find out that they need to max a frame just to get a better and cooler frame r5 could make it that you get 2 pilot tokens every 10 levels and 4 wh [..] View

Field Reports

8:16 am, October 12, 2014 Is it just me or are the timed rewards rather lackluster? I got ~200 crystite, 2 toxic grenades, 1 adrenaline injector, and ~60 credits last night for my rewards, in that order. Anyone got anything b [..] View

Coldor in Neue Red Bean Shop und Goldene Spielmnzen Gegenstnde (10.10.)

8:16 pm, October 11, 2014 Hallo Piloten! Mit dem heutigen Patch haben wir ein paar neue Helme in den in-game Red Bean Shop implementiert und die Himmelsflgel durch einen neuen legendren Gewinn fr Goldene Spielmnzen ersetzt! Sc [..] View

Coldor in Patch Notes V1.1.1824

8:16 pm, October 11, 2014 Patch Hhepunkte Es wurde ein komplett neues System eingefhrt, durch welches Spieler Belohnungen erhalten, wenn sie bestimmte Zeiten lang whrend einer Sitzung spielen. (Schaut euch bitte die Sektion f [..] View

Thoughts on patch v1.1.1824 elemental prefix changes.

8:16 pm, October 11, 2014 Just yesterday i got my recluse to 952 PR and it just got nerfed, but thats not whats bothering me, no its the change on the elemental prefix weapons. If in the ungodly chance that i get a tahonta pur [..] View

[Spoiler] So someone was linking some yet to be introduced items in platoon chat tonight...

8:16 pm, October 11, 2014 submitted by buckinkaeding [link] [11 comments] View

BranFlakes in ESRB Rating

8:16 am, October 11, 2014 We are working on having all instances of the ESRB logo removed from our site as we are not ESRB rated. Cheers, Brandon View

BranFlakes in Helmet Colouring

8:16 am, October 11, 2014 I've passed along the report to the Art team for investigation as I'm not sure. Cheers, Brandon View

BranFlakes in Dragonfly Battleframe Weekend [Now - Mon @ 5pm PDT]

8:16 am, October 11, 2014 gurt02 said: ↑ Thanks, this was the problem. My pleasure! Enjoy it! Cheers, Brandon View

BranFlakes in Patch Notes for v1.1.1824

8:16 am, October 11, 2014 For those who are experiencing an issue with any of the raids, try again, and if it fails, can you send a console log to Thanks! Instructions for locating and sending a con [..] View

Patch v1.1.1824

8:16 am, October 11, 2014 Things I find of interest(good or bad) Item rewards for Campaign missions and ARES Jobs have been increased to uncomm [..] View

Regerem in Bug achat de red Beans

8:16 pm, October 10, 2014 Bonjour, Pour tout problme reli l'acquisition de Red Beans je vous conseille de contacter directement notre Support Client qui se chargera de vous venir en aide. Merci ! View

Mikachu in MANDATORY Dev requirement for FireFall !

8:16 pm, October 10, 2014 As t3hsquirr3l mentioned, devs are already jumping in and liberating pilots of their jawbones. However, it is strictly voluntary since dev time is limited due to various projects being worked on for F [..] View

Returning after a long hiatus

8:16 pm, October 10, 2014 I have a couple questions. 1) I keep seeing people saying to leave crafting alone, that it's getting worked on, and that I shouldn't bother. That in mind, where should I be getting wea [..] View

Firefall Review: A Comparison to Last Year's Review | The Fanatical Swordsman

8:16 pm, October 10, 2014 submitted by Geldarion [link] [comment] View

I miss Antarctica, and sitting

8:16 pm, October 10, 2014

BranFlakes in Unable to log in (Resolved!)

8:16 am, October 10, 2014 The issue is now resolved Thanks for everyone's patience as we worked to resolve it. Cheers, Brandon View

xune_ in Marketplace bug: When I sell Junk Salvage I also lose Copper Wiring

8:16 am, October 10, 2014 Hi 3ICE, the numbers in brackets in the resource monitor refer to the quantity of their respective raw resource or salvage. What are the settings for your resource monitor display pattern? View

Mavoc in [ADDON] Shield Bar

8:16 am, October 10, 2014 Daed said: ↑ Can we get this added to the official ui sometime soon? Get what added? View

Hanachi in [Addon] Calldown Hotkeys (Formerly RadthorDax's)

8:16 am, October 10, 2014 Amayani said: ↑ Snip. Yeah, the code in Calldown Hotkeys is pretty messy. I experimented too much in the early stages of the addon thus causing issues later [..] View

Regerem in La notion de "puissance" dans Firefall

8:16 pm, October 9, 2014 Bonjour, Il est effectivement dans nos plans de retravailler la notion de Puissance afin de la rendre plus lisible et intuitive. Nous travaillons actuellement sur cette amlioration et elle est dsorm [..] View

Regerem in Concours : Faire parler la poudre

8:16 pm, October 9, 2014 Bonjour tous ! Vous connaissez la routine maintenant : un concours s'achve, un nouveau dbute ! Nous n'avons pas eu de concours de capture d'cran depuis un petit moment et puisqu'ils permettent au p [..] View

SkaDude in COMMUNITY EVENT: Helder's Hideaway (Thu., OCT. 9th - OCEANIC, GMT, AND PDT/EDT)

8:16 pm, October 9, 2014 LoR_NiKoN said: ↑ Ok so i think the time for the EU event MAY be a little wrong going from events past..... is this in 1.5 hours from now or in 2.5hours. It [..] View

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