8:16 am, October 4, 2014
Today on Firefall Live, the gang was joined by Christian Nava, aka "Chryis," an Associate Content Designer here at Red 5 Studios. Christian has worked on dynamic events and ARES Jobs i [..]
8:16 pm, September 29, 2014
submitted by Alabasterfinger [link] [comment]
8:16 am, September 27, 2014
So I've never played a lot of MMO games but I got a couple of my buddies into Firefall since it was free, but I have a few questions that I don't think can be answered by a wiki/forum/ [..]
8:16 am, September 25, 2014
Hello again Firefall Subreddit! This week on Firefall Live, our guest will be Dave "Nizuul" Lee, one of the Content Designers here at Red 5 Studios who primarily works on dynamic enc [..]
8:16 am, September 22, 2014
SambalBrandal said:
I have a question about the upcoming Operations: will those have the same mechanic as the Instanced Missions where sometimes two squads [..]
8:16 pm, September 11, 2014
Hey all!
As always we'll be holding Firefall Live on Friday at 10:00 AM PDT on live.firefall.tv. This week we wanted to do an extended Q&A because TeamSpeak should be working now, and who b [..]
8:16 pm, September 11, 2014
I've only been playing couple of days but inside the game and out the people are really nice, my first 10 minutes playing I got invited to an army, who helped me without asking, answered all m [..]
8:16 pm, September 3, 2014
Hello PvEers!
I'm excited to announce that Adrian "Vald" Lopez, one of Firefall's Associate Designers, will be joining us on Firefall Live this week and will be answering your questi [..]
8:16 am, August 19, 2014
Hello Firefall Fans,
It has been just about three weeks since we officially launched Firefall, including our launch on Steam. For years, the team at Red 5 has been working towards that day. Its a mo [..]
8:16 pm, August 13, 2014
Hello OWPvPers!
I'm excited to announce that Firefall Lead Designer Scott "Cornboy" Youngblood will be joining us on Firefall Live this week and will be answering your questions abou [..]
8:16 pm, August 13, 2014
Hello Firefall Subreddit! This week on Firefall Live we are going to have on very special guest Scott Youngblood, aka Cornboy, the Lead Designer here at Red 5 Studios. Recently, Scott's primar [..]
8:16 am, August 7, 2014
Hello again Firefall Subreddit! This week on Firefall Live, our guest will be Jonathan Sova, the Designer responsible for Campaign Mission 6: Power Grab, the Orbital Comm Tower Chosen Invasion in Sert [..]
8:16 pm, August 2, 2014
I can't find any up-to-date info about them at all, so any insight at all would be a help. EDIT: Answered my own question, but thanks gilgamesh and any who came to this thread to lend me their [..]
8:16 pm, July 23, 2014
Hello Firefall Subreddit! Another week, another Firefall Live questions thread! This week, in a very crowded edition of FFL, we are going to have the ENTIRE Firefall Community Team on the show! That m [..]
8:16 am, July 19, 2014
Casper675 said:
I have been trying to get this question answered, but nobody seems to want to answer it. I have so many consumable items like aranha glands [..]
8:16 am, July 17, 2014
Hello again Firefall Subreddit! As many of you no doubt remember, last week we put up a thread for you guys to post questions that you wanted to see asked to James Macauley on that week's Fire [..]
8:16 am, July 10, 2014
Hello Firefall Subreddit! As many of you may have seen already, this week on Firefall Live we will have on James Macauley, the CEO of Red 5, to answer questions about the current state of Firefall and [..]
8:16 am, June 12, 2014
f0d said:
not sure if this has been answered yet...
i know our invested research points will be refunded (research puts we have put into researching thing [..]
8:16 pm, June 7, 2014
Harven90 said:
I still dont understand why R5 dont tell us how will smokestack be implemented in firefall? I mean:
1. They have a surprise for us or
2. They [..]
8:16 am, June 2, 2014
Ether_Obsidious said:
So I've been putting these off for a while on the off chance I get the opportunity ask them in Copa Call-in; but while I'm a fairly pa [..]
8:16 pm, May 4, 2014
I recently read a lengthy article about "The Troubled History of Firefall" and was hoping to get some answers to few questions I was having regarding how Red5 is currently doing. Aft [..]
7:16 pm, March 28, 2014
This thread is discussing the lore of Firefall, not the Forum Code of Conduct. Please keep it on topic.
Just a point of clarification on the population decline... This is not the first devastation h [..]