8:16 am, October 17, 2014
Heyo pilots! I've been having an absolute blast running warfront runs after getting all my frames to 40 and I've been especially enjoying utilizing the aoe prowess of the recluse frame [..]
8:16 am, October 3, 2014
Pighead Elderberry,
I've been meaning to thank you, directly, for your feedback in particular. Your direct feedback had a huge impact on the Crossfire Encounter and once again, you've displayed the a [..]
8:16 am, September 29, 2014
Hello pilots, mduh here and I'm here today to share you some general tips on how to improve your chances to take down Kanaloa in Hardcore/Heroic mode. Here's a video to watch the AoD a [..]
8:16 pm, September 27, 2014
uniQeZOR said:
Greetings, How can I be sure, im using my dedicated graphics?Any toughts?
If Firefall says it's using the R5, it probably is. The game gets [..]
8:16 am, September 20, 2014
Gave my first few dozen attempts today, and despite being unsuccessful, gleaned some very useful tactics for the fight itself. Also, it does live up to the name "Hardcore" So, for st [..]
8:16 pm, September 8, 2014
Just curious if the marketplace/auction house is a universally shared economy or localized to our region/continent only? Anyone happen to know? Maybe R5 can comment directly on this. Thanks. submitte [..]
8:16 pm, August 27, 2014
So I logged into Firefall via Steam on my laptop the other day and tried to change my video mode from fullscreen to windowed fullscreen. It wouldn't work, so I found a solution online that sai [..]
8:16 am, August 20, 2014
Eine deutsche bersetzung folgt.
Patch Highlights
Greatly increased the amount of dynamic event spawns in Sertao, Broken Peninsula and Coral Forest.
HKM updates:
HKMs now charge slightly faster.
HKM [..]
8:16 am, August 13, 2014
Hi -zapp-, this is working as intended as the perk increases ability duration instead of stealth duration directly.
8:16 pm, August 9, 2014
Sorry this isn't a more constructive post, but I don't really have suggestions for how to improve on most of these issues. However, please do understand I am trying to be helpful with [..]
8:16 am, August 5, 2014
@Shrille: Let me answer on your statements directly, so maybe you'll get my meaning of this whole scenario:
Shrille said:
I..am not so sure that the fe [..]
8:16 pm, August 3, 2014
And when it does load beyond that screen, my character is just floating in the air, running back and forth over the water. I downloaded the game on steam and the same bug happened, so I looked it up a [..]
8:16 pm, July 31, 2014
Is it possible to trade directly person to person in firefall? I have tried sending a message with an attachment, but it tells me I don't meet the requirements and I don't see anything [..]
8:16 pm, July 31, 2014
I posted this a little while back in another thread and people liked the idea, but I'll repeat it here so it gets more visibility. Basically, now that Firefall is finally officially on Steam, [..]
8:16 pm, July 31, 2014
The Red 5 logo is acceptable but not the intro video. In fact if I could jump directly from the launcher to the game it would be wonderful. submitted by rgzdev [link] [7 comments]
8:16 pm, July 31, 2014
(unedited) [Disclaimer: I downloaded the game just to write this review. I played it for 3 years, many many hundreds of hours I suffered it's buggy grind. No more. I just wish to prevent you [..]
8:16 pm, July 29, 2014
I'm nearing lv 40 on my mammoth and with launch around the corner I was looking into getting a new frame so I could play with firends. as part of a balanced squad (and because I like them) I w [..]
8:16 am, July 29, 2014
Firefall has always worked fine for me if I use the launcher, but it does NOT run at all on steam. Here's how things happen if i launch with steam: Black screen Firefall cursor shows up 1-2 s [..]
8:16 am, July 25, 2014
Sorry for the delayed response everyone - internet went out from our provider for most of our county. I'm posting from home so I'll have to come back to this in the morning to grab all these updates f [..]
8:16 pm, July 19, 2014
It really depends on the thing. In general, we try to apply things that were either given to you through a promotion or purchased for redbeans to your account whenever possible. There are some things [..]
8:16 pm, July 19, 2014
Hello, if anyone is still experiencing the no chat issue, can they send me a log personally, not attached to the thread? When launching the game, type "loglevel chat debug" into the c [..]
8:16 am, July 15, 2014
Poppa Doc said:
Just one question. In addition to the above unlock methods will it be possible to "buy" the unlock with beans? Logic says ye [..]
8:16 am, July 11, 2014
Tostie said:
Will this also be the case on Salvaging?
I have 2500 items -> I start salvaging -> I get something for salvaging -&a [..]
8:16 am, July 5, 2014
Removed a few posts. If someone has a direct problem with the way a certain army recruits you are welcome to either find another army or to directly message an army member and ask to speak with a lea [..]
8:16 pm, July 1, 2014
Jonkai21 said:
Maybe a function should be built into the forums to not that a Red 5 developer has read a thread. These days we only feel like we've been hea [..]
8:16 am, June 28, 2014
Heyo Players!
I wanted to post in here and say we appreciate all the screen captures you have been submitting to the screenshot challenge. We are always looking for more images, so please make sure [..]
8:16 am, June 26, 2014
I'm pretty sure the gif doesn't really directly apply to the situation...I just wanted to share this oddly creepy little gem somewhere.
Oh yeah, and welcome!
8:16 am, June 13, 2014
IAmJohnGalt said:
I am a firm believer in nothing in the game going to waste, meaning everything in your inventory is used for something. Now if you max a r [..]
8:16 pm, May 11, 2014
All good feedback. Many of the things you listed we are directly addressing with upcoming fixes. Keep an eye out for the beginning of the announcements in June for the next major release.
8:16 am, May 4, 2014
TarkusDeathlord said:
Thanks all, but I cannot even submit a ticket. All the screens do is log me out of the game, request I log into my account, which I do [..]
8:16 pm, May 3, 2014
TarkusDeathlord said:
Thanks all, but I cannot even submit a ticket. All the screens do is log me out of the game, request I log into my account, which I do [..]
8:16 pm, April 23, 2014
Top of the morning to you all!
As you may have seen yesterday in this thread, we ran a little experiment of sorts: we closed the patch notes thread to allow for discussion of them and the maintenanc [..]
8:16 pm, April 18, 2014
The upgrade random item was actually supposed to change into a player usable item. When they were first introduced there were some issues where it was upgrading strange items such as objects being ca [..]
8:16 am, April 18, 2014
Hey all,
We've had a great discussion so far on determining eligibility. That discussion is still ongoing but I think what we have going is good so far so I'd like to move onto the next topic:
8:16 pm, April 4, 2014
Hey folks,
Another nagging question I have that I would love to get your feedback on as it directly relates to how much time and effort the community, marketing, and web teams spend on these platfor [..]
7:16 am, March 11, 2014
Heyo all!
I'll try to look into this issue and see if I can reproduce these issues reliably enough to demonstrate to the designers.
If you have specific mission areas that tend to not give xp (aside [..]
7:16 am, March 11, 2014
Heyo NoTempo, I've been unable to reproduce this issue as mashing E on the crates for me just seems to directly extend how long it takes to finish using the crate.
If you have more details to this i [..]
7:16 am, February 26, 2014
ss_tidestride said:
How can people cooperate with one another when the workload is fractured to this extent?
I'd guess noone is quite sure whose responsibil [..]
7:16 am, February 21, 2014
CosmicD said:
Don't you also need some localized rangers ? (for french or dutch or german language), that can work from their home ?
We do also have Frenc [..]
7:16 pm, January 24, 2014
Firefall Secures Funding for Launch in 2014
Laguna Hills, California January 24th, 2014 Red 5 Studios, a game development studio working on the Free-to-Play online MMO, Firefall, announces that it [..]
7:16 am, January 24, 2014
MattVid said:
It is mind boggling to see how fast many of these add-ons come out, and how many things are overlooked and not even thought about in developme [..]
3:51 am, January 23, 2014
Converted from the French Version
Please note that this note is intended updating the version on the PTS. This is not the final version, lines can be added, changed or adjusted before his ar [..]