8:16 pm, October 9, 2014
Bonjour tous !
Vous connaissez la routine maintenant : un concours s'achve, un nouveau dbute ! Nous n'avons pas eu de concours de capture d'cran depuis un petit moment et puisqu'ils permettent au p [..]
8:16 pm, August 9, 2014
Sorry this isn't a more constructive post, but I don't really have suggestions for how to improve on most of these issues. However, please do understand I am trying to be helpful with [..]
8:16 am, August 4, 2014
Now, I'll admit I have next to nil for programming experience, nor do I know what the coding for this game looks, but regardless, these are some issues that I think should be addressed to make [..]
8:16 pm, August 1, 2014
Nalin said:
My post with the images has a console.log attached. Here are some lines you would probably be interested in:
00:03 RAM:196MB FPS:60 [..]
8:16 pm, June 20, 2014
Pilotes Ares !
Le dpartement de Xenobiologie de lAccord a besoin de vous ! Nos scientifiques sont toujours la recherche de nouvelles espces dcouvrir, cataloguant la biodiversit qui nous entoure. Vo [..]
7:16 pm, February 2, 2014
So I've been playing since May 2012. I'm a commander level founder. I used to love this game. I still find the gameplay fun, I spent most of today with my housemate sussing out the new [..]