8:16 am, October 17, 2014
Daed said:
hmm..sounds exactly like the last pts focus with the last patch. what's different?
A big point for us right now is to improve and expand upon [..]
8:16 am, October 13, 2014
Post from FF forum Learn from Diablo 3 they were able to revitalize their game with loot 2.0 when it came out just by giving their players what they wanted, loot. You could easily please your current [..]
8:16 am, October 2, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got an incredible fan art community here -- that's why we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space where our players with a talent for art (or at least th [..]
8:16 am, September 28, 2014
It seems a tad bit daunting since it lists so much without giving me any knowledge on it. Refining is easy enough but the other options seem like I'd be wasting a lot of time and resources ran [..]
8:16 pm, September 26, 2014
Nozama said:
Now learn the ways of twitch and check the other folder...
Saw your message, reply and talk to you soon.
8:16 pm, September 26, 2014
I have a batch of my own, and having learned that it takes more than one to make things interesting... This time I'll have TEN up for grabs. And it's going to be a little different thi [..]
8:16 am, September 22, 2014
Thanks for the feedback guys! Technical issues aside, we're definitely learning a lot from this event so far
8:16 pm, September 17, 2014
Salty, bitter, post here, I'm afraid. Patch Low-lights: Inventory Overhaul Items that previously didn't count towards inventory limits now do. Newly overburdened players can either sa [..]
8:16 pm, September 16, 2014
submitted by Captain_Awesomex [link] [1 comment]
8:16 am, September 14, 2014
So I just started playing this game a couple days ago, and I love it so far. It can get a bit repetitive, but I never get tired of the fast paced combat, especially when helping out with thumpers or A [..]
8:16 pm, September 5, 2014
So I just started playing this game(2hour old). I searched a little in this sub around beginner questions and none actually explained things... 1- Is there anything that I need to know as a beginner? [..]
8:16 am, September 4, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got an incredible fan art community here -- that's why we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space where our players with a talent for art (or at least th [..]
8:16 pm, August 29, 2014
So recently I had hit 40 on my bio. I had also made a friend who opened my eyes on a few things which made me question the direction I want to go. I purchased the recluse using credits as I always wan [..]
8:16 pm, August 28, 2014
I always see people here in Reddit and on the Firefall forums crying about distance and how they "need" an LGV within the first few levels. Here's a protip. Find a mountain, [..]
8:16 pm, August 28, 2014
As we all have or likely will learn, escort missions in FF **** some pretty stank balls. The path finding is totally a mess, the people you're escorting have zero sense of self preservation, t [..]
8:16 am, August 19, 2014
My friend and I are leveling up together. We were 30 earlier today and learned about boing and OCT. We go, **** stuff and defend a base but the experience is wonky. We tried doing it around 7 times, a [..]
8:16 am, August 13, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got a great RP community here, so we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space outside of the game where our fiction enthusiasts with a talent for writing [..]
8:16 pm, August 11, 2014
Just learned that you can use pilot tokens for those lvl 40 modules and was wondering what the best modules are for these 2 classes? submitted by Uesugi [link] [4 comments]
8:16 am, August 10, 2014
This was going to be submitted to the official Firefall suggestions thread, but even after i had cut it to a fraction if it's length, and put most of this in attachments, the text was still to [..]
8:16 am, August 5, 2014
@Shrille: Let me answer on your statements directly, so maybe you'll get my meaning of this whole scenario:
Shrille said:
I..am not so sure that the fe [..]
8:16 am, August 5, 2014
Hey, I'm new to the game and trying to learn the ropes. If a group of people that is clearly rolling together is thumping, is it bad form to just hang around and join in, or no? I read somewhe [..]
8:16 pm, August 2, 2014
"Finished" product. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be one of those posts. I'm quite salty right now, having spent the last 6 hours playing the game and I' [..]
8:16 pm, July 31, 2014
As I mentioned in a previous thread, I played quite a bit during open beta, but left shortly after the Arsenal was released. I have a few frames in the mid-high 20s, a few in the teens, and I was full [..]
8:16 am, July 31, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got a great RP community here, so we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space outside of the game where our fiction enthusiasts with a talent for writing [..]
8:16 am, July 31, 2014
I'm seriously not impressed with the rewards for Baneclaw: You have to spend a lot of time putting together a group with enough firepower to bring it down You spend that much time again tryin [..]
8:16 pm, July 30, 2014
Just wanted to make a quick post letting everyone know I'm back to recording my podcast for Firefall, the Cabana Club Podcast. I just released a new launch special episode, and to celebrate la [..]
8:16 pm, July 30, 2014
So as the title says I have been playing for a day and I already love this game. From past experience with other MMO's I know that the knowledge you gain from the first time leveling a charact [..]
8:16 pm, July 25, 2014
Last time i played firefall when they just introduced all that new **** with breaking equipment and took away all my good modules. Then i kinda raged and forgot about the game because it was change an [..]
8:16 pm, July 24, 2014
All of the criticisms** I make in this are my opinion. I'm going to be painfully honest. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. *Some of the things stated are more than opinions. Example: My [..]
8:16 pm, July 23, 2014
This is a valid concern and one you see a lot in games. A great source of how a weapon or ability "feels" can be player feedback. You learn a lot about what players expect from their [..]
8:16 pm, July 22, 2014
I got a beta key to Firefall from Pax 2013 and redeemed it but didn't play it much back then. Now I have early access before the release and I'm kind of running around clueless. Does a [..]
8:16 am, July 21, 2014
Considering we are now out of beta could some knowledgeable players put some effort into updating the firefall-wiki.com wiki? Alternatively is there another wiki or knowledge base in existence that I [..]
8:16 am, July 2, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got a great RP community here, so we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space outside of the game where our fiction enthusiasts with a talent for writing [..]
8:16 am, June 27, 2014
Dagron1 said:
What I know and what I want answers for
1. We know a crafting receipt now provides fixed stats and the only way to modify them is with the u [..]
8:16 pm, June 21, 2014
(Disclaimer as always - this is me talking designer-y stuff and does not reflect any work being done or not done at R5. I also talk alot so you may want to consider this more of a designer and academi [..]
8:16 am, June 21, 2014
This week we were joined by Stephanie, aka Mervielleux, one of our Designers working on ARES Jobs to learn a little more about the upcoming system. We took another round of questions in our Copa Call- [..]
8:16 am, June 19, 2014
Asmodai said:
Decided to poke my head in to see whether FF was still in orbital decay that would make the grounding of the Arclight insignificant, only to d [..]
8:16 am, June 18, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As you know, we've got a great RP community here, so we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space outside of the game where our fiction enthusiasts with a talent for writing [..]
8:16 am, June 17, 2014
Nokzen said:
... Sometimes you just cant save them..
View: http://youtu.be/l2cfA0UHMwA
This totally sums up my first day of ever playing Fir [..]
8:16 pm, June 3, 2014
As many of you, our loyal fans and supporters, know, during the past several months, we have been working tirelessly on our next major milestone the launch of Firefall. While weve been quiet on the s [..]
8:16 am, May 22, 2014
I was contacted a couple of times, but today took the cake. Two years after my first interview with them, I was contacted again. Yet, they still don't know that the position they are advertis [..]
8:16 am, May 21, 2014
Hello ARES Pilots,
As mentioned in our first challenge, we've got a great RP community here, so we wanted to create an officially-sponsored space outside of the game where our fiction enthusiasts wi [..]
8:16 am, May 10, 2014
So, panic aside... I return to find all my Tier4+ loadouts appear to still be unlocked at the point I left them, but no gear - and the free T1 whites are too heavy to equip. On frames that were suppor [..]
8:16 pm, April 14, 2014
Drake84pl said:
How much ?x? km is New Eden now, somebody knows ? cuz four times that what we have now would be enough for me to say that the zones are at l [..]
7:16 pm, March 17, 2014
Alright, I'll bite into this as best as I can. I will preface this by stating that I don't make decisions, it is not within my boundaries to tell you what is or isn't coming (unless it's already anno [..]
7:16 am, March 6, 2014
As far as my understanding goes we actually have a mid point of 90 and the +/-30 sets it at a range of 60-120. It could use some clarification though. The team in charge of that setting is aware of [..]
7:16 am, February 20, 2014
SlightlyNoobish said:
well written
good points across
Sadly, I do not agree with the first part.
OK, so first of all, I never post on these kinds of th [..]
7:16 pm, February 5, 2014
SlightlyNoobish said:
smart people learn from other people's mistakes
stupid people learn from their own mistakes
That would mean that only stupid people [..]
7:16 pm, February 3, 2014
Jetted around in the updated world for a few hours so far. Here's what I've learned: Brand new players will be unaffected by the changes (this is good!) because they don't kno [..]
7:16 pm, January 30, 2014
What I liked about the game: I started off with this game in closed beta about a year ago and I loved it. I played the **** out of this game. At least 2 hours per day were spent in that tiny area arou [..]
7:16 am, January 30, 2014
would really appreciate it just seems to have a steep learning curve and would appreciate the help. Bionictitan in game submitted by Tyr_Lawbringer [link] [comment]
3:51 am, January 23, 2014
Hi everyone. I wanted to start a discussion series about portions of the game in an effort to get people talking about features of Firefall in a constructive and proactive way. This is the first insta [..]