8:16 pm, October 11, 2014
Patch Hhepunkte
Es wurde ein komplett neues System eingefhrt, durch welches Spieler Belohnungen erhalten, wenn sie bestimmte Zeiten lang whrend einer Sitzung spielen. (Schaut euch bitte die Sektion f [..]
8:16 pm, September 16, 2014
Hhepunkte in Elementare Zerstrung
(Firefall Version 1.1)
Es gibt zwei brandneue Primrwaffen:
Das Plasma Flakgeschtz (nur fr Strmer):
Das Plasma Flakgeschtz feuert einen tdlichen Plasmast [..]
8:16 pm, September 16, 2014
Hi DivineMaximus, your secondary slot will retain the particle beam/shotgun until you use up the ammunition. There's no cooldown because the ability is still active.
8:16 am, August 12, 2014
I am currently a level 32 Biotech, but I have been rolling thoughts about in my head about what frame to start leveling next. I have made a general list of frames I am considering trying, but I cannot [..]
8:16 pm, May 2, 2014
Dictionary definition for adjective is appropriate for this frame Adjective: crudely or ruthlessly forceful; lacking all dexterity or grace This frame is about power and destruction. This frame will b [..]
7:16 pm, February 28, 2014
Le fonctionnement des Multi-Tourelles a t corrig.
Les joueurs pourront rcuprer les objets expirs du March.
Correction du problme empchant les joueurs d'accder l'interface de Rparation dans le Garage [..]
7:16 pm, February 28, 2014
Battleframes & Combat
Les personnages tus en l'air auront une meilleure animation de leur mort.
Les Ingnieurs auront une lampe-torche similaire celle des autres Battleframes.
7:16 am, January 30, 2014
Nighthawk is up for review and we've already done some work on his passive, which I will talk about in a bit. I'd like to hear from the die-hard Nighthawk players about his default kit and why you do [..]
3:51 am, January 23, 2014
Converted from the French Version
Please note that this note is intended updating the version on the PTS. This is not the final version, lines can be added, changed or adjusted before his ar [..]